Okay, we have a “paypal” account set up; it will accept donations, but it might take a couple days to show up on our end — it has to verify our bank account. I will make this post a static page, but I also wanted to make this a post to make you all aware. Just to remind you (any new readers), I am currently fighting cancer (and will be winning by the LORD’s strength); consequently, due to treatments I am going to have to lay off work for the next few months (I start chemo this next week, and then I will have surgery and recovery). I have a little coverage through work, but it only turns out to be less than half of my monthly salary. Here’s the breakdown:

My Normal Wages: approx. $750 a week

My Sick-Time Coverage: $277 a week

The Difference is: $473 a week

The Gap we need to make up then is: $1892 a month

For anyone who feels led, and is able to help us out in this way we would be most grateful. I am afraid some folks who read this might think this is a scam or something (I wish); let me assure you, it is not, we are in real need, and I only lay this out there for those in the body of Christ who sense the Lord’s leading in this direction . . . i.e. no obligation (your prayers are most needed).

Here is our mailing address:

Bobby Grow

1115 NE Keyes Rd. Apt.# A-2

Vancouver, WA 98684

And then we have a “Paypal” account which should appear in my sidebar, or you can click here:


I will let everyone know how are needs are being met in this regard, I know the LORD will provide! Thank you everyone!!